Thursday, March 24, 2011

Creations of love & beauty....a new found love of horses...Since moving to Kentucky I have encountered horses up close ...first while walking in downtown Louisville with my sister..she encouraged me to touch a large horse that was stopped by the side of the street. It was a carriage pulling horse. She told me how she loves to touch their nostrils and feel the warm breath coming for from them. I had never done this before... I had always been afraid of the largeness of them...but I did it... I was unafraid to touch and feel and it was soft and warm...LIFE I now want to touch and talk to a horse every chance I get to.... The second time I was able to get close to horses was at the April 2010 Lexington Rolex horse show. A friend invited me to meet her there. My niece, Carolyn, and I went and experienced something awesome in the viewing and touching of such magnificent animals. To hear them running close by..the pounding of their hooves on the ground..the sound of their breath as they ran..I had never experienced this before...I am in love...I want to paint... We also were able to touch and talk to the beauties that were just standing around with riders looking stately and elegant... Now, when I see a horse in a field on a country road ...I have this desire to stop and talk and touch...and give them a kiss if they will let me!!!

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